Hydroelectric Energy vs. Fossil Fuels

September 30, 2021

A Current Comparison

Energy is the lifeblood of our modern society. The ever-growing demand for energy and its environmental impact are the central issues that plague us. The use of fossil fuels as our primary energy source has caused extensive damage to the environment, including pollution, climate change, and depletion of natural resources. It's time to switch to a more sustainable energy source, and hydroelectric energy seems like a top contender. But, is it better than fossil fuels? Let's dive into a fact-based comparison of hydroelectric energy and fossil fuels.

Hydroelectric Energy

Hydropower plants are a type of sustainable energy source that generates electricity by converting the force of falling water into mechanical energy, which then powers a generator to create electricity. Hydroelectric energy is a renewable energy source and has several environmental benefits:

  • It doesn't generate any greenhouse gas emissions, hence doesn't contribute to global warming.
  • Water is a continuous and abundant source of energy, and hydropower plants can generate power as long as water is flowing.
  • Dams and reservoirs constructed for hydroelectric plants provide recreational opportunities like boating, fishing, and swimming.

Some of the disadvantages of hydroelectric energy include:

  • It requires a water source with sufficient volume and height to generate power.
  • The construction of dams may impact the natural river flow and affect the ecosystem negatively.
  • Hydroelectric installations can be expensive to build, and maintenance can be costly.

Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels account for 84% of global energy consumption and are responsible for most of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. The extraction, transportation, and burning of coal, oil, and gas generate a large amount of carbon dioxide, methane, and other harmful gases that contribute to the planet's warming. Some of the advantages of fossil fuels include:

  • They are readily available and cost-effective.
  • They are more reliable than renewable energy sources since they don't depend on external factors like the sun and wind.
  • They can generate large amounts of energy efficiently.

Here are some of the disadvantages of fossil fuels:

  • They pollute the environment and contribute significantly to climate change.
  • They are a finite resource and will eventually run out.
  • Oil spills and gas leaks can have catastrophic environmental effects.


The comparison between hydroelectric energy and fossil fuels depends on various factors, including cost, availability, and sustainability. However, one thing is clear: the trend towards sustainability, the increased focus on reducing greenhouse gasses, and the depletion of natural resources are pushing towards sustainable energy sources like hydroelectric energy. Although no energy source is perfect or free of disadvantages, hydroelectric energy shows great promise as a more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy option for the future.


  1. "Hydroelectric power: How it works." U.S. Energy Information Administration, https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/hydropower/. Accessed 23 Sep. 2021.
  2. "Coal." International Energy Agency, https://www.iea.org/reports/coal-2020. Accessed 23 Sep. 2021.
  3. "Fossil Fuels." National Geographic, https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/fossil-fuels/. Accessed 23 Sep. 2021.

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